July 14-18, 2025
Otterbein University
Early bird pricing lasts until 4/15! Reserve your space now!
Camp placement is determined by grade level.
Selecting your camper's last completed grade level will automatically register them for the correct camp session. You will not need to choose a session.
The link at the end of the registration form will take you back to this page for online payment.
Your two payment options are listed below.
Camp documents will be mailed to you in the first week of July.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at ossc.parents@gmail.com
Early Bird Pricing
Day Camp Only: $210 ($235 after 5/24)
Day Camp with Thursday Overnight: $260 ($285 after 5/24)
Day Camp plus Overnight Every night: $415 ($440 after 5/24)
Pay Online​
Please note: a 3% convenience fee is included for online payments.
Pay By Check​
Make the check out to POP Arts
Be sure to include your child's name on the memo line
Mail the check to:
Olentangy Summer Strings
c/o POP Arts
2840 E. Orange Rd.
Lewis Center, OH 43035